Sunrise has devoted herself to be one of the best ESL job agencies in China since it's established, by providing TEFL jobs.
商業 / 語言課程sunriseesljobs

Drawings繪製: AutoCad平面圖則, 3dsMax立體圖

當dad 讀成dead, 當get 讀成*** (英式口語, 話人死蠢), 喺香港一個乍乍帝學兩文三語嘅環境, 真係死老豆都唔得掂. 單一個字如此, 當去到蘭桂芳, 想同個外國人講 得閒咪出嚟吹下水囉 , 都未開口, 就要諗下,出嚟吹水係咪叫 come out blow water . 諗到叫hang out, 就用大家返學年代嘅GOOD MORNING MISS-Y 嘅口吻嚟同人講, DO

T結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾Treasures and Co

HONG KONG BRAIDCreative Hair Styling**New Address:Shop 1919, 19/f, Hua Chiao Commercial Center, 678 Nathan Road, Mong Kok (Mong Kok MTR D1 Exit)**We have more than 5 years experience, stylist trained

M教學進修 / 音樂課程 - 學琴Miss Cheng (鄭老師)

[出租] 兩房新裝連傢電,位於中半山 房間數目: 2間睡房,1廚1厠,客飯廳傢電: 3部冷氣機,東芝LCD電視,洗水機,電磁爐, 雪櫃,抽油煙機及兩房衣櫃層樓: 高層景觀: 城市景起租期: 可即時合約類別: 年租包含: 管理費,差餉交通: 距離西營盤港鐵站只需5分鐘步行距離詳請:&nbs

AJ SYNERGY PRODUCTION (ASP) officially established in year 2005 with an influence of international standards values on total event media management solutions. We have affiliated with our main local
A表演藝術 / 活動管理AJ Synergy Production

It s Christmas time everyone! Another reason to buy yourself a present again! Or have someone else buy it for you :P From today onwards, we are having a big Christmas sale at PTS Steel Shop: includin

WordPress 支援、維護、及修復服務
W手機電腦互聯網 / 網絡Website Maintenance Service Limited

Private and Class for students up to S1

兩房一廳, 靚裝, 租金高回報, 低密度
M物業地產 / 住宅買賣Maggie 林小姐

Far removed from the hubbub of family rooms and busy kitchens, the bedroom is the place where your day begins and ends. Trends come and go, and even now the furnitures of bedroom is evolving.
x家居 / 智能家居xpertgroup

IT Training Courses

Three-Bedrooms Suite/Apartment : HK$46,000 to HK$90,000 p.m. (INCLUDES management fee, government rates,
P物業地產 / 服務式住宅Presidential Apartments

We at Top2d3d Studios can help you out, creating an awesome customised video in 2d, 3d or Film for your firm.. Founded almost a decade ago licensed by ADOBE we have multiple teams of Certified Digi
r商業 / 市場策劃ravi mdd

提供鋼琴 / 圓號(法國號) 課程,課程透過: 公開演出及學生音樂會、比賽、考試、大師班、樂器訓練及樂理研習,課堂將以粵語 (英語輔助) 或全英語進行,教室採用符合考試標準之三角琴,有意報讀的同學, 請於上課前致電96294800 (吳老師) 約見面試, 評估演奏水平

[出租] 兩房新裝連部份傢電,位於中半山 房間數目: 2間睡房,1廚1厠,客飯廳 傢電: 3部冷氣機,東芝LCD電視,洗水機,電磁爐, 兩房衣櫃 層樓: 高層 景觀: 城市景 起租期: 可即時 合約類別: 年租 包含: 管理費,差餉 交通: 距離西營盤港鐵站只需5分鐘步行距離 詳請: 全新裝修兩房741呎單位適合一家大人及兩夫妻入住。地點非常便捷,樓下有超級市場及不同食肆,鄰近中環,蘇
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